Stealth Pavilion 2013 "KAAP", Stichting Storm, Groenekan. Curated by Frank Koolen.
The Stealth Pavilion has been created for KAAP, an annual exhibition at one of the fortresses of the old Dutch defense line 'de Hollandse Waterlinie' (Dutch Water Front). The theme of the exhibition was inspired by Dutch artist Constant Nieuwenhuys' Utopian 'New Babylon' project (1959-74). The Stealth Pavilion is not based on the Utopian idea that arose in the 60's and 70's, but on the idea of the so-called 'heterotopia' (Focault): the 'other' space inside a given context like our society. As the name suggests, the Stealth Pavilion utilises so-called 'stealth technology' based on the american Lockheed Martin F-117 Nighthawk to guarantee the possibility of sub-radar activities. In these highly technological times, a real free zone seems to be impossible without the aid of a high-tech system. In contrast, the Pavilion's simple wooden interior with fireplace suggest a very basic use of the space. This space was inspired by an old crashed haystack where we used to go as teenagers. Dimensions: approx 9 x 3 x 4 m. Materials: aluminum, wood, steel. Photo's: Peter Cox (except night shots) |