Er zijn hier al heel wat barbaren gekortwiekt... (A lot of Brutes have been Clipped here...) 2011 Performance at the opening night of the exhibition "Berichten van het Front" Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch.
On the opening night of the Nieuw Brabants Front (artist collective 2006-2016) exhibition 'Messages from the Front' I did this performance on the parking lot of the museum. It started by turning on four generator powered floodlights that lid up the parking lot. Three cars were parked there and two cranes. The cranes would come to life and slowly approach the cars. The first contact consisted of nibbling small pieces off a car before the deconstruction began. I instructed the crane drivers step by step via speakerphones. The performance was - in contrast to it's destructive aspect - slow and gracious and the cranes somewhat resembled predators plucking on their prey. The audience watched until the cars were all ripped to pieces and the floodlights went out. Foto's: Peter Cox Video: Levroi Film & Media This work was made possible thanks in part to funding from the BKKC (Brabants Kenniscentrum Kunst en Cultuur) Video: A lot of Brutes have been Clipped here... Total duration: 56:00 min. full color / stereo in HD quality. For inquiries about video works, contact us! |